Spiritual Meaning of Elements & Cardinal Directions

  • North

    Color: Green

    Direction: North

    Time: Night, midnight

    Moon Phase: Waning, New

    Sabbat: Samhain, Yule

    Planets: Mercury, Uranus

    Associated with the Goddess and femininity

    Archangel: Uriel

    Herbs: Frankincense, myrrh, pansy, primrose, vervain, violet, dill, clove

    Magical tool: Pentacle, pentagram, salt, stones

    Natural symbol: Rocks, fields, soil, salt, caves, clay

    Power: To Be Silent

    Season: Winter

    Sense: Touch

    Point of Life: Old age

    Chakra: Root

    Watchtower Guardian: Uriel

    Elementals: Gnomes

    Music: Drums and percussion

    Type of energy: Receptive

    Stones: Emerald, onyx, jasper, salt, azurite, amethyst, clear quartz

    Metals: Iron, lead

    Creatures: Hawk, eagle, foxes, turtle, raven, spider, dog, deer/stag

    Guides: Ancestors

    Type of magic ruled: Gardening, stones, money spells, grounding, finding treasures, runes

    Basic nature: Fertile, moist, nurturing, stabilizing, grounding

    Rituals: Money, prosperity, fertility, stability, grounding, employment

    Places: Caves, canyons, chasms, forests, groves, valleys, fields, farms, gardens

    Astrological signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

    Earth: Permanence, stability, strength, security, wisdom, practicality, materialism, wealth, abundance, prosperity, patience, truth, and responsibility.

  • South


    Color: Red

    Direction: South

    Time: Noon

    Moon Phase: Waxing to Full

    Sabbat: Beltane, Litha/Midsummer

    Planets: Mars, Sun

    Associated with the God and masculinity

    Archangel: Michael

    Herbs: Nettles, sunflower, garlic, hibiscus, red/chili peppers, cinnamon

    Magical tool: Candle, sword, bonfire, athame

    Natural symbol: Candle, flame

    Power: To Dare

    Season: Summer

    Sense: Sight

    Point of Life: Youth

    Chakra: Solar Plexus

    Watchtower Guardian: Michael

    Elementals: Salamanders

    Music: Guitar, string instruments

    Type of energy: Projective

    Stones: Ruby, fire opal, volcanic stone, agate

    Metals: Gold, brass, iron/steel

    Creatures: Phoenix, tigers, lions, fox, cats, snakes, hawk, dragon

    Guides: God

    Type of magic ruled: Healing & destroying, purification, love spells, cauldron work, & baking

    Basic nature: Energetic, daring, passionate, enthusiastic

    Rituals: Burning objects, wood, paper, heating, preparing decoctions, cauldron work

    Places: Sun light, the stars, deserts, and volcanoes, transformation

    Astrological signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

    Fire: Inspiration, love, passion, leadership. Energy, The element of change. Fire is the most physical and spiritual of the Elements. Fire is MAGIC itself.

  • East

    Color: Yellow

    Direction: East (sunrise)

    Time: Dawn

    Moon Phase: New, Waxing

    Sabbat: Imbolc, Ostara

    Planets: Mercury, Uranus

    Associated with the God and masculinity

    Archangel: Raphael

    Herbs: clove, myrrh, pansy, primrose, vervain, dill, lavender

    Magical tool: Wand, Tarot cards

    Natural symbol: Incense, Feather

    Power: To Know

    Season: Spring

    Sense: Hearing & Smelling

    Point in life: Infancy

    Chakra: Heart

    Watch tower guardian: Raphael

    Elemental: Sylphs

    Music: Flute, all wind instruments

    Type of energy: Projective

    Stones: Topaz, rainbow stones, quartz crystals, amethyst, alexandrite

    Metals: Tin, Copper

    Creatures: Spiders, Birds, Winged insects

    Guides: Spirit guides

    Type of magic ruled: Divination, Concentration, Visualization, Wind Magic

    Basic nature: Flying, moving, Knowledge, ideas, inspiration,

    Ritual: Travel, instructions, study, freedom, Knowledge, Ideas, Recovering lost items

    Places: Mountaintops, Cloudy skies, Airports, Schools, Libraries

    Astrological sign: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

    Air: Power of the mind, World of thoughts, Images and Expressions, Freedom & space, Difficult to be contained.

  • West

    Color: Blue

    Direction: West (setting sun)

    Time: Dusk

    Moon Phase: Full, Waning

    Sabbat: Lughnasadh/Lammas, Mabon

    Planets: Neptune, Venus, Moon

    Associated with the Goddess and femininity

    Archangel: Gabriel

    Herbs: Ferns, lotus, water lilies, gardenia

    Magical tool: Cup, Cauldron, Mirror

    Natural symbol: Shell, Water

    Power: To Will

    Season: Autumn

    Sense: Taste

    Point in life: Motherhood

    Chakra: Sacral

    Watch tower guardian: Gabriel

    Elemental: Undines

    Music: Bell, Cymbals

    Type of energy: Receptive

    Stones: Amethyst, Aquamarine, Tourmaline

    Metals: Mercury, Silver

    Creatures: Cat, Frog, Turtle, Dolphin, Whale, Otter, Seal, Fish, Shellfish

    Guides: Goddess

    Type of magic ruled: Sea, Ice, Snow, Fog

    Basic nature: Love, Emotions, Friendship, Dreams, Peace, Healing

    Ritual: Delusion, Washing away, Bathing, Psychic awareness,

    Places: Lakes, Springs, Streams, Rivers, Beaches, Pools, Oceans

    Astrological sign: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

    Water: Cleansing & healing, gives us freshness. Without any Feelings the soul would not be a soul at all. Water is Love and love is the underlying reason for all magic.